According to the American Chiropractic Association, lower back pain affects 31 million Americans at any given time.

Back pain can affect people of all ages and may come on suddenly or might persist over time. There are many causes of back pain, such as injuries or accidents but poor posture and obesity also contribute to the problem.

Visiting a chiropractor can provide back pain sufferers with relief, but how often should you go to the chiropractor? That depends on several factors such as the type of pain you’re experiencing and what your chiropractor recommends.

Find out more about visiting the chiropractor and how often you should go.


Common Reasons for Visiting the Chiropractor

Back pain and neck pain are two common reasons for visiting the chiropractor. Many people find relief after only a few sessions but some may visit up to once a week.

How often you need to go depends on how you feel and your condition. For example, people that work in an office setting often complain of lower back pain.

Low back pain (LBP) is the most common reason for work-related disability in adults under age 45. Low back pain costs the U.S. billions of dollars each year in medical expenses and worker’s compensation.

A regular visit to a chiropractic office can help ease that pain and teach people better habits.

Other common reasons include back adjustments, preventive care, pain relief, and spinal correction.


When Should You See a Chiropractor?

Think of chiropractic care as another method of healthy living. Similar to how eating a good diet and exercising helps you feel stronger and more energized, chiropractic visits can help you feel better over time. To get the most benefit out of chiropractic care, it’s important to keep up with your appointments.

But can you go to the chiropractor too much?

Some people have concerns over how much is too much when it comes to chiropractic care.

Visiting the chiropractor isn’t addictive, and many people go for a weekly adjustment or preventive care. People visit for many reasons, and it ultimately comes down to your situation and preferences.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms or causes below, you may want to consider making an appointment for an evaluation.

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Vehicle accidents
  • Pain or fatigue at work
  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Chronic pain

Many patients also make an appointment for preventive reasons, such as an athlete trying to avoid an injury. There are many benefits to visiting the chiropractor even if you aren’t experiencing pain.


Weekly and Monthly Visits

Depending on your preference and health situation, weekly or monthly visits could benefit you the most. If you’re experiencing warning signs of upper back pain, for instance, you should make an appointment and see what your chiropractor recommends.

Some chiropractors may suggest multiple follow-up visits to address a problem. It’s important to keep these follow-up visits to receive the most benefit from chiropractic care.

There are three types of healthcare: urgent, rehabilitative, and maintenance. These also apply to chiropractic care, so work with your chiropractor to see what works best for you.

An urgent case, such as a patient that just had an injury, will likely need repeat visits during the first few weeks of treatment.

Rehabilitative care visits, such as those recovering from a recent injury or accident, might occur a few times a month. People experiencing chronic pain may only need to visit once or twice a month or when they experience a pain flare-up.


To Treat Pain Flares

Breakthrough pain (BTP) or a pain “flare-up” is when a person experiences temporary but sometimes debilitating flares of pain. Cancer patients often go through breakthrough pain, but other conditions can cause BTP as well.

Here are some common conditions that can cause pain flares:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Migraines
  • Nerve pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Shingles
  • Low back pain

Visiting a chiropractor regularly may help people with chronic pain or pain flares find some relief. Patients may also learn techniques for dealing with pain and better habits.

Wondering how often should you see a chiropractor if you experience chronic pain or pain flares? See what your chiropractor recommends. Work together to decide what works best for your situation.


How Chiropractors Help

Now that you know more about the reasons people go to the chiropractor and what a chiropractor can treat, you might be wondering how it all works.

A chiropractor performs spinal manipulation and adjustments to address a problem. Adjustments may be manual (using hands) or performed mechanically (with an instrument).

Did you know that poor posture can negatively impact your body? Poor spinal alignment affects your mood, can lead to fatigue and can create neck and back pain.

Chiropractic adjustments can improve your spinal functions and also reduce the stress put on your body.

After an appointment, you may notice you feel less tense and more relaxed. That’s because a chiropractor can help relax tense muscles and improve circulation.

Other than making adjustments, chiropractors can give you advice on healthier living. You might learn better eating habits, proper posture, techniques for managing pain, or ways to cope with stress and anxiety.


New Patients

Are you nervous about visiting a chiropractic care center for the first time or not sure what you need? Knowing what to expect can help put your mind at ease.

An initial appointment usually involves a consultation and you may need to fill out some forms. This is a good time to explain any pain you’re experiencing and how long you’ve been suffering.

If you’re here for preventive reasons, go over your expectations and ask questions you might have. This is a good time to learn more about the process and your chiropractor’s techniques.

If you’re nervous, your chiropractor can help you relax by explaining each technique and how it helps.


How Often Should You Go to the Chiropractor? Visit as Needed

Your chiropractor can help with common issues like neck and back pain, but they can also help with lifestyle choices. Most chiropractors focus on prevention and how you can make healthier choices and start better habits.

So how often should you go to the chiropractor? The answer to that is different for each patient, but you should make appointments as needed. Weekly or monthly visits may provide the most benefit.

Talk with your chiropractor if you’re unsure or to address any concerns.

Experiencing pain and looking for a Lexington chiropractic near you? Contact us to request an appointment.