Did you know that around 75% of people have neck pain at some point in their lives? Many people suffer from neck and back pain due to poor posture. Good posture can help you improve your muscle pain and your body’s strength.

Learning how to improve your posture can help you become more aware of your body. You’ll discover ways to correct your posture quickly. As you develop good posture, you’ll find areas of tightness and imbalances that you didn’t know about before.

Discovering how to improve your posture can be overwhelming. This guide will discuss what you need to know about good posture. We’ll also discuss good posture exercises you can incorporate into your daily life.

What’s Posture?

Posture refers to how your body is positioned while lying down, sitting, or standing. Good posture refers to training your body to lie, sit, walk, and stand, so you don’t strain your ligaments and muscles.

Good posture provides you with the following benefits:

  • Decreases the wear and tear on your joints
  • Keeps your joints and bones in the proper alignment
  • Decreases strain on your spinal ligaments
  • Prevents muscular pain
  • Prevents body fatigue

There are two types of posture: dynamic and static. Dynamic refers to how you hold your body when you’re moving. Static posture is how you keep your body when you’re not moving.

Your spine is a crucial component of good posture. Your spine naturally curves at your low back, mid back, and neck. Good posture should maintain these natural curves, not increase them.

Bad posture can have adverse effects on your health. Slumping or slouching can cause the following:

  • Decrease in flexibility
  • Wear and tear on your spine
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Makes it challenging to digest food
  • Increase your chance of falling
  • Back, shoulder, and neck pain

Ways to Generally Improve Your Posture

It’s essential to pay attention to your posture during your everyday activities. This includes while you’re walking, cooking, or watching a movie.

You should also stay active. Exercise can improve your posture. Different types of exercise like tai chi or yoga help improve body awareness.

Incorporate exercises that help you strengthen your core. Your core encompasses the muscles around your pelvis, abdomen, and back.

Maintaining a healthy weight is also key to improving your posture. Extra weight on your body can cause your abdominal muscles to weaken. You could experience low back pain and problems in your spine.

Wearing low-heeled, comfortable shoes is also essential to improving your posture. High heels can affect your balance. They can also result in you walking differently.

How to Improve Your Posture While Seated

Many people spend the majority of their day sitting. This includes being at school, work, or at home. It’s essential to take breaks throughout your day and sit properly.

You should sit with your shoulders back and your back straight. The buttocks should be in contact with the back of your chair.

Your spine’s natural curves should be present while you’re sitting. You can utilize a lumbar roll to help your body maintain its normal curvature.

To help you achieve a good sitting posture, start by sitting at the edge of your chair. Completely slouch your body.

Draw your body up and arch your back. Hold this position for a couple of seconds.

Slightly release the position. This is the ideal sitting posture for your body.

You should also distribute your weight evenly across both hips. Keep your knees at a right angle.

You want your knees to be slightly higher or even with your hips. You can use a stool to achieve this. Don’t cross your legs.

Your feet should also be flat on the floor. You can adjust your chair height to achieve this.

How to Improve Your Posture While Standing

You should stand tall and straight. Roll your shoulders back, keeping them in that position. You should also tuck your pelvis, so your stomach stays in.

Balance your weight on the balls of your feet. Your arms should naturally hang down at your sides. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

Stretches and Exercises to Improve Your Posture

As we mentioned earlier, exercises that improve your core strength are ideal for achieving good posture. These exercises and stretches target the abdomen, buttocks, and back.

Back Extension

Lay a yoga mat or towel onto your floor. Lie on your stomach, keeping your arms bent and legs straight. Your forearms should be flat on the floor.

As you keep your neck and head straight, use your arms to lift your upper body gently. You should also be arching your back.

Stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Then, slowly lower your body back down to the floor. Do this exercise eight to 10 times.


Lie flat on your back with your legs in line with your shoulders. Your heels should be close to your buttocks. Keep your hands at your sides.

Lift your lower back and buttocks off the floor. Your knees should be in line with your hips and shoulders.

Hold this diagonal position for a few moments. Lower your hips to the floor, repeating eight to 10 times.


You can do a plank exercise a few different ways, depending upon your strength. Plank can be done on your toes or knees. Feel free to modify the exercise to fit your needs.

Start plank by lying on your stomach. Raise your body by putting your weight on your toes and hands. Your body should be hovering over the floor.

You can also lower your plank, resting on your forearms. Hold the position for a couple of breaths. Keep your abdominal and core muscles tight. Gently lower your body as you release the position.

Achieve Good Posture With the Help of a Chiropractor

Achieving good posture does more for your body than helping you look confident. Improve your body’s health and decrease your pain with proper posture.

Wellington Chiropractic is here to help you overcome your neck and back pain. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Learn about our long-term solutions for pain management.